Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Typing Program for StMM Students

As of the third quarter, our 4-8th graders now have access to an online typing program to help boost their keyboarding skills and give them practice with accuracy and skill building on an individual level. This program is called Typing Tutor and can be accessed here:

All students have been given an account. Login information is as follows: 

Username: RenWeb ID#+initials (Example: 12013221ac)
Password: Stmm2014! Students may choose to change their password by clicking on Preferences at the top of their screen.

Use of this program is not required or mandated by StMM in all grades, and is not specifically required by our curriculum, but we understand that many of you would like to see more keyboarding practice, and this is a very easy to use program that can help chart growth and achievement in typing skills. Some grades will choose to utilize this program in school; that will be determined by grade level teachers.

Please view this YouTube tutorial to help you and your child get started with Typing Tutor: 

If you have any questions or problems logging in, please e-mail

God bless!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Start off 2015 Positively with Plagiarism and Copyright Resources!

Our 5th and 6th graders will be learning about plagiarism and copyright throughout the remainder of their year in Skills class with Mrs. Cadran. Some of the resources we will be using are below, in addition to lectures, videos, and other materials:

You Quote It, You Note It! Plagiarism Tutorial
Plagiarism.Org - Especially the Plagiarism 101 section on the 10 Types of plagiarism.'s complete set of student materials on the following topics:
The Lycoming College Plagiarism Game - Test Your Skills!